Paths are the lines and curves that make up your pattern. They are made up of individual drawing operations that together make up the path.
FreeSewing supports the following types of drawing operations:
- The move operation moves our virtual pen but does not draw anything.
- The line operation draws a straight line
- The curve operation draws a Bézier curve
- The close operation closes the path
To crucial thing to keep in mind is that, with the exception of the move operation, all drawing operations start from wherever you are currently on your virtual sheet of paper.
For example, you might expect the line operation to take a start- and endpoint. But in fact, it only takes an endpoint, and will draw a straight line from where our virtual pen currently is to said endpoint.
Because all but the move drawing operations are relative to their operation preceding it, all Paths must start with a move operation.
Understanding that each drawing operation builds upon the next one is an important insight.
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- Code
- X-Ray
({ Point, points, Path, paths, options, part }) => {
// Draws a w*h box, returns a Path object
const box = (name, origin, width, height, classes='fabric') => {
let base = height
if (width < height) base = width
let t = base
points[name + 'TopLeft'] = new Point(origin.x, origin.y)
points[name + 'BottomLeft'] = new Point(origin.x, origin.y + height)
points[name + 'BottomRight'] = new Point(
origin.x + width,
origin.y + height
points[name + 'TopRight'] = new Point(origin.x + width, origin.y)
points[name + 'Mid'] = points[name + 'TopLeft'].shiftFractionTowards(
points[name + 'BottomRight'],
points[name + 'Mid'].y += 3
return new Path()
.move(points[name + 'TopLeft'])
.line(points[name + 'BottomLeft'])
.line(points[name + 'BottomRight'])
.line(points[name + 'TopRight'])
.line(points[name + 'TopLeft'])
// Draws a box and handled text placement
const drawBox = (name, x, y, width, height, text=true, classes, textClasses='') => {
points[name + 'Origin'] = new Point(x, y)
paths[name] = box(name, points[name + 'Origin'], width, height, classes)
if (text === 'b') {
paths[name+'_label'] = new Path()
.addText(name, 'center ' + textClasses)
.attr('data-text-dy', -1)
else if (text) points[name + 'Mid'].addText(name, 'center')
// Parts set 0
drawBox('Part A (set 0)', -27, -27, 44, 70, 'b', 'note', 'bold')
drawBox('points', -24, -24, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox('paths', -24, -9, 38, 12, true, 'note fill-note')
paths['paths'].attr('fill-opacity', 0.2)
drawBox('snippets', -24, 6, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox('Part B (set 0)', 26, -27, 44, 70, 'b', 'note', 'bold')
drawBox(' points ', 29, -24, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox(' paths ', 29, -9, 38, 12, true, 'note fill-note')
paths[' paths '].attr('fill-opacity', 0.2)
drawBox(' snippets ', 29, 6, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox('Part C (set 0)', 79, -27, 44, 70, 'b', 'note', 'bold')
drawBox(' points ', 82, -24, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox(' paths ', 82, -9, 38, 12, true, 'note fill-note')
paths[' paths '].attr('fill-opacity', 0.2)
drawBox(' snippets ', 82, 6, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox('setStore 0', -24, 21, 144, 12, true, 'lining dashed')
paths['setStore 0'].attr('fill-opacity', 0.2)
// Pattern
drawBox('Pattern Store', -30, -45, 155, 15, true, 'lining')
paths['Pattern Store'].attr('fill-opacity', 0.2)
drawBox('Pattern', -34, -49, 163, 106, 'b', 'fabric stroke-lg', 'text-lg bold')
return part
A schematic overview of where paths are kept inside a FreeSewing pattern
Our example image (which, if you hadn't realized was created with FreeSewing) has a lot of paths in it. Each box is a path made of 4 lines, and every text label is anchored on a path containing a hidden line.
Click the X-Ray tab to reveal some of the lines in the paths.