Snippets are little embellishments you can use and re-use on your pattern. They are typically used for things like logos or buttons.
Each snippet must have:
- An anchor point that determine where the snippet will be located
- The name of the snippet to insert
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({ Point, points, Path, paths, options, part }) => {
// Draws a w*h box, returns a Path object
const box = (name, origin, width, height, classes='fabric') => {
let base = height
if (width < height) base = width
let t = base
points[name + 'TopLeft'] = new Point(origin.x, origin.y)
points[name + 'BottomLeft'] = new Point(origin.x, origin.y + height)
points[name + 'BottomRight'] = new Point(
origin.x + width,
origin.y + height
points[name + 'TopRight'] = new Point(origin.x + width, origin.y)
points[name + 'Mid'] = points[name + 'TopLeft'].shiftFractionTowards(
points[name + 'BottomRight'],
points[name + 'Mid'].y += 3
return new Path()
.move(points[name + 'TopLeft'])
.line(points[name + 'BottomLeft'])
.line(points[name + 'BottomRight'])
.line(points[name + 'TopRight'])
.line(points[name + 'TopLeft'])
// Draws a box and handled text placement
const drawBox = (name, x, y, width, height, text=true, classes, textClasses='') => {
points[name + 'Origin'] = new Point(x, y)
paths[name] = box(name, points[name + 'Origin'], width, height, classes)
if (text === 'b') {
paths[name+'_label'] = new Path()
.addText(name, 'center ' + textClasses)
.attr('data-text-dy', -1)
else if (text) points[name + 'Mid'].addText(name, 'center')
// Parts set 0
drawBox('Part A (set 0)', -27, -27, 44, 70, 'b', 'note', 'bold')
drawBox('points', -24, -24, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox('paths', -24, -9, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox('snippets', -24, 6, 38, 12, true, 'note fill-note')
paths['snippets'].attr('fill-opacity', 0.2)
drawBox('Part B (set 0)', 26, -27, 44, 70, 'b', 'note', 'bold')
drawBox(' points ', 29, -24, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox(' paths ', 29, -9, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox(' snippets ', 29, 6, 38, 12, true, 'note fill-note')
paths[' snippets '].attr('fill-opacity', 0.2)
drawBox('Part C (set 0)', 79, -27, 44, 70, 'b', 'note', 'bold')
drawBox(' points ', 82, -24, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox(' paths ', 82, -9, 38, 12, true, 'note')
drawBox(' snippets ', 82, 6, 38, 12, true, 'note fill-note')
paths[' snippets '].attr('fill-opacity', 0.2)
drawBox('setStore 0', -24, 21, 144, 12, true, 'lining dashed')
paths['setStore 0'].attr('fill-opacity', 0.2)
// Pattern
drawBox('Pattern Store', -30, -45, 155, 15, true, 'lining')
paths['Pattern Store'].attr('fill-opacity', 0.2)
drawBox('Pattern', -34, -49, 163, 106, 'b', 'fabric stroke-lg', 'text-lg bold')
return part
A schematic overview of where snippets are kept inside a FreeSewing pattern
Since our example image does not have any snippets in it, here's an example
of a button
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({ Point, Path, paths, Snippet, snippets, part }) => {
snippets.demo = new Snippet('button', new Point(0,0))
// Prevent clipping
paths.diag = new Path()
.move(new Point(-50,-4))
.move(new Point(50,4))
return part
An example of the button snippet