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The Part.asRenderProps() method will return the data stored in the part as a serializable JavaScript object. This method is typically not invoked directly but rather called under the hood as a result of calling Pattern.getRenderProps().


Object part.asRenderProps()

Returned object properties

This returns JavaScript object has the following properties:

pathsThe part's paths as Path.asRenderProps()
pointsThe part's points as Point.asRenderProps()
snippetThe part's snippets as Snippet.asRenderProps()
attributesThe result of Part.attributes.asRenderProps()
heightA number indicating the part height in mm
widthA number indicating the part width in mm
topLeftThe Point at the top left of the part, or rather its Point.asRenderProps() result
bottomRightThe Point at the bottom right of the part, or rather its Point.asRenderProps() result