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Hiding parts

The hide option of a part's configuration controls how to hide it and/or its dependencies.


A hidden part will not be included in the output when it's rendered


The hide configuration from parts that you include in your design will always override configuration from inherited parts.



To hide the explicitly included after parts, set hide.after to a truthy value

import exampleBase from './base.mjs'

const part = {
name: 'example.front',
after: [exampleBase],
// hide `exampleBase`
hide: { after: true },
draft: ({ part }) => part,


To hide a specific part that would otherwise not be hidden by other configuration, add its name to the hide.always array

import { exampleBase } from './base.mjs'
import { exampleBack } from './back.mjs'
const part = {
name: 'example.front',
after: [exampleBase, exampleBack],
// hide `exampleBack`
hide: { always: ['example.back'] },
draft: ({ part }) => part,


To hide the explicitly included from part, set hide.from to a truthy value.

import exampleBase from './base.mjs'

const part = {
name: 'other.base',
from: exampleBase,
// hide exampleBase
hide: { from: true },
draft: ({ part }) => part,


To hide parts that you have not explicitly included in this part that may be pulled in by the explicitly included from and after parts, set hide.inherited to a truthy value.


This setting will hide any part included as from or after by your explicitly included from part or its dependency chain. It will also hide any part included as from by your explicitly included after part or its dependency chain. It will not hide the after parts of after parts

// the "after" chain
const mainFrontParent = {
name: 'other.mainFront',
draft: ({part}) => part
const mainFrontBase = {
name: 'example.mainFrontBase',
draft: ({part}) => part
const mainFront = {
name: 'example.mainFront',
after: mainFrontBase,
from: mainFrontParent,
draft: ({part}) => part

// the "from" chain
const grandParentBase = {
name: 'other.grandParentBase',
draft: ({part}) => part
const grandParent = {
name: 'other.grandParent',
after: grandParentBase
draft: ({ part }) => part
const parent = {
name: 'other.parent',
from: grandParent
draft: ({ part }) => part

const mainBack = {
name: 'example.mainBack',
from: parent,
after: mainFront,
// hide grandParentBase, grandParent, mainFrontParent
// don't hide parent, mainFront, or mainFrontBase
hide: { inherited: true },
draft: ({part}) => part

Need more clarity?

In the above example, the dependency tree for the part example.mainBack resolves to the following, with from dependencies in bold and after dependencies italicized.

PartDependency TypeHidden
- other.parentfromfalse
- - other.grandParentinherited fromtrue
- - - other.grandParentBaseinherited aftertrue
- example.mainFrontafterfalse
- - example.mainFrontBaseafterfalse
- - other.mainFrontinherited fromtrue

Dependencies are considered inherited if they have two or more dashes (-) next to them, and are either bold themselves, or underneath a bold part.


To not hide a specific part that would otherwise be hidden by other configuration, add its name to the hide.never array

import { exampleBase } from './base.mjs'
import { exampleBack } from './back.mjs'
const part = {
name: 'example.front',
after: [exampleBase, exampleBack],
hide: {
// hide exampleBase and exampleBack
after: true,
// override hiding exampleBack so that it is shown
never: ['example.back'],
draft: ({ part }) => part,


To hide the current part, set hide.self to a truthy value:

const part = {
name: 'example.front',
// hide `example.front`
hide: { self: true },
draft: ({ part }) => part,


We provide two presets for common hiding configurations. For convenience, you can pass a preset to the hide configuration as a string like hide: <preset name>, or you can use import { hidePresets } from '@freesewing.core and pass hide: hidePresets.<preset name>


If you don't like to remember strings and you're working in development a environment that has code completion, importing the presets from @freesewing/core will help you be sure you're definitely using an available preset


For a shortcut to setting all boolean hiding options (after, from, inherited, and self) to true, use HIDE_ALL


This is equivalent to using

self: true,
after: true,
from: true,
inherited: true

To use it as an imported preset:

import { hidePresets } from '@freesewing/core'
import { exampleBase } from './base.mjs'
import { exampleBack } from './back.mjs'

const part = {
name: 'example.front',
from: exampleBase
after: [exampleBack],
// hide `example.front`, `exmpleBase`, and `exampleBack`
// as well as any inherited parts
hide: hidePresets.HIDE_ALL,
draft: ({ part }) => part

To use it as a string

import { exampleBase } from './base.mjs'
import { exampleBack } from './back.mjs'

const part = {
name: 'example.front',
from: exampleBase,
after: [exampleBack],
// hide `example.front`, `exmpleBase`, and `exampleBack`
// as well as any inherited parts
hide: 'HIDE_ALL',
draft: ({ part }) => part,


For a shortcut to setting from: true and inherited: true, use HIDE_TREE


This is equivalent to using

from: true,
inherited: true

See hide.inherited for a full explanation of how that option works

To use it as an imported preset:

import { hidePresets } from '@freesewing/core'
import { exampleBase } from './base.mjs'
import { exampleBack } from './back.mjs'

const part = {
name: 'example.front',
from: exampleBase,
// hide `exmpleBase`, and all inherited parts
hide: hidePresets.HIDE_TREE,
draft: ({ part }) => part,

To use it as a string

import { exampleBase } from './base.mjs'
import { exampleBack } from './back.mjs'

const part = {
name: 'example.front',
from: exampleBase,
// hide `exmpleBase`, and all inherited parts
hide: 'HIDE_TREE',
draft: ({ part }) => part,