The Path.angleAt()
method returns the (tangent) angle of a path at a specific point.
If the given point is a sharp corner, this method prefers returning the angle directly before the corner.
If the given point does not lie (approximately) on the path, this method returns false
number|false path.angleAt(Point point)
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({ Point, points, Path, paths, snippets, Snippet, part }) => {
points.A = new Point(45, 60)
points.B = new Point(10, 30)
points.BCp2 = new Point(40, 20)
points.C = new Point(90, 30)
points.CCp1 = new Point(50, -30)
points.D = new Point(50, 80)
points.DCp1 = new Point(70, 30)
paths.demo = new Path()
.curve(points.DCp1, points.DCp1, points.C)
.curve(points.CCp1, points.BCp2, points.B)
points.testPoint = paths.demo.shiftFractionAlong(0.55)
snippets.point = new Snippet("notch", points.testPoint)
let angle = paths.demo.angleAt(points.testPoint)
//draw a tangent path
paths.tangent = new Path()
.move(points.testPoint.shift(angle, -30))
.line(points.testPoint.shift(angle, 30))
.attr("class", "lining dashed")
return part
Example of the Path.angleAt() method
Keep in mind that calculations with Bézier curves are often approximations.