The Path.divide()
method breaks a path apart in an array of atomic paths. An
atomic path is a path that can't be divided further and is always made up of
one move + one drawing operation.
array path.divide()
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({ Point, points, Path, paths, part }) => {
points.A = new Point(55, 40)
points.B = new Point(10, 70)
points.BCp2 = new Point(40, 20)
points.C = new Point(90, 60)
points.CCp1 = new Point(50, -30)
points.D = new Point(50, 80)
points.DCp1 = new Point(140, 50)
paths.example = new Path()
.curve(points.BCp2, points.CCp1, points.C)
.curve(points.DCp1, points.DCp1, points.D)
let style = "stroke-width: 4; stroke-opacity: 0.5;"
let i = 0
for (let p of paths.example.divide()) {
paths[i] = p
.attr("style", style)
.attr('style', `stroke: hsl(${i * 70}, 100%, 50%)`)
return part
Example of the Path.divide() method