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The Pattern.addPart() method allows you to add a part to a pattern. It has the same effect as passing a part to the Design constructor.


This method is chainable as it returns the Pattern object

Pattern.addPart() signature

Pattern pattern.addPart(object part)

Pattern.addPart() example

import { Aaron } from '@freesewing/aaron'

const extra = {
name: 'aaron.extra',
draft: ({ points, Point, paths, Path, part }) => {
points.msg = new Point(50, 15).attr('data-text', 'I am an extra part') = new Path()
.move(new Point(0, 0))
.line(new Point(0, 30))
.line(new Point(100, 30))
.line(new Point(100, 0))
.close(new Point(100, 0))

return part

// Load some public test measurements from the FreeSewing backend
const measurements = (
await (await fetch('')).json()

const pattern = new Aaron({ measurements }).addPart(extra)

const svg = pattern.draft().render()