The mirror
macro allows you to mirror points and/or paths around a mirror line.
It is provided by the mirror plugin, which is part of core-plugins (so it is available by default).
macro('mirror', {
Boolean clone,
Array mirror,
Function nameFormat,
Array paths,
Array points,
String prefix,
- Preview
- Code
- X-Ray
({ Point, points, Path, paths, macro, part }) => {
points.from = new Point(0,0)
points.cp1 = new Point(10,20)
points.cp2 = new Point(60,20)
points.to = new Point(70,0)
paths.example = new Path()
.curve(points.cp1, points.cp2, points.to)
points.m1 = new Point(20,0)
points.m2 = new Point(20,20)
paths.mirror = new Path()
.addClass('stroke-xm dashed stroke-lining')
macro('mirror', {
clone: true,
mirror: [ points.m1, points.m2 ],
paths: Object.keys(paths),
return part
An example of the mirror macro
Property | Default | Type | Description |
mirror | array | Array with 2 Point objects that define the mirror line | |
clone | true | bool | Whether to clone mirrored points and or paths |
points | array | An array of pointnames, the names of Points in the points array to mirror | |
paths | array | An array of pathnames, the names of Paths in the paths array to mirror | |
prefix | mirrored | string | A prefix to apply to the names of the clones points and or paths. Ignored if nameFormat is set |
nameFormat | function | A method that receives the name of the path or point as a first argument and one of path or point as the second argument and should return the name for the cloned path and or point |