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The scalebox macro adds a scale box to your pattern. This box allows users to verify their pattern is printed to scale. The white inside of the box provides a metric scale, and the black outside of the box provides an imperial scale.

It is provided by plugin-annotations, which is part of core-plugins (so it is available by default).


macro('scalebox', {
String id = 'scalebox',
Point at,
String lead,
Number rotate,
String text,
String title,
Boolean force = false,


FreeSewing This is the title v0.0.1 plugin-annotations:supportFreeSewingBecomeAPatron plugin-annotations:theWhiteInsideOfThisBoxShouldMeasure 10cm x 5cm plugin-annotations:theBlackOutsideOfThisBoxShouldMeasure 4" x 2"

An example of the scalebox macro


idscaleboxstringThe ID of this macro instance
atPointThe point to anchor the scale box on
leadFreeSewingStringThe lead text above the title
titlepattern name + versionStringThe title text
text(*)StringThe text below the title
rotate0NumberRotation in degrees
forcefalsebooleanSet this to true to display the macro output even when complete is false

(*) freesewingIsMadeByJoostDeCockAndContributors \n withTheFinancialSupportOfOurPatrons


This macro takes the complete setting into account and won't output anything when both complete and force are false.