The cutlist.getCutFabrics()
store method will retrieve the stored
list of fabrics used by the pattern for given settings.
Array store.cutlist.getCutFabrics(settings)
The custlist.getCutFabrics()
method returns an array of strings
containing the material names.
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({ Point, points, Path, paths, store, context, part }) => {
store.cutlist.addCut({cut: 2, from: 'fabric' })
store.cutlist.addCut({cut: 2, from: 'lining' })
const materials = store.cutlist.getCutFabrics(context.settings)
let y = 0
points.header = new Point(0, y).addText('Materials used:')
for (let material of materials) {
y += 8
points[material] = new Point(5, y).addText(material)
// Prevent clipping
paths.diag = new Path()
.move(new Point(-10,-20))
.move(new Point(80,35))
return part