Adding annotations
Our pattern is still a little bit bare. It would be nice to add some annotations to it.
When I say annotations it's an umbrella term for things like text or other bits of information that help the user understand the pattern.
Adding snippets
Snippets are little re-useable things to embellish our pattern with. Things like buttons or buttonholes, a logo, or snaps.
To use them, much like points and paths, we need to destructure both
the Snippet
constructor as well as the snippets
object to hold
our snippets.
We'll be using them below to add a snap-stud
, snap-socket
, and a logo
You can find all possible snippets in our documentation.
- Preview
- Code
- X-Ray
fixme: Errors logged. Please implement log view
function draftBib({
}) {
- Construct the neck opening
const target = (measurements.head _ options.neckRatio) / 4
let tweak = 1
let delta
do {
points.right = new Point((tweak _ measurements.head) / 10, 0)
points.bottom = new Point(0, (tweak _ measurements.head) / 12)
points.rightCp1 = points.right.shift(90, points.bottom.dy(points.right) / 2)
points.bottomCp2 = points.bottom.shift(0, points.bottom.dx(points.right) / 2)
paths.neck = new Path()
.curve(points.rightCp1, points.bottomCp2, points.bottom)
delta = paths.neck.length() - target
if (delta > 0) tweak = tweak * 0.99
else tweak = tweak * 1.02
} while (Math.abs(delta) > 1)
points.rightCp2 = points.rightCp1.flipY()
points.bottomCp1 = points.bottomCp2.flipX()
points.left = points.right.flipX()
points.leftCp1 = points.rightCp2.flipX()
points.leftCp2 = points.rightCp1.flipX() = points.bottom.flipY()
points.topCp1 = points.bottomCp2.flipY()
points.topCp2 = points.bottomCp1.flipY()
- Construct the outline
let width = measurements.head _ options.widthRatio
let length = measurements.head \* options.lengthRatio
points.topLeft = new Point(width / -2, - (width / 2 - points.right.x))
points.topRight = points.topLeft.shift(0, width)
points.bottomLeft = points.topLeft.shift(-90, length)
points.bottomRight = points.topRight.shift(-90, length)
points.edgeLeft = new Point(points.topLeft.x, points.left.y)
points.edgeRight = new Point(points.topRight.x, points.right.y)
points.edgeTop = new Point(0, points.topLeft.y)
points.edgeLeftCp = points.edgeLeft.shiftFractionTowards(points.topLeft, 0.5)
points.edgeRightCp = points.edgeLeftCp.flipX()
points.edgeTopLeftCp = points.edgeTop.shiftFractionTowards(points.topLeft, 0.5)
points.edgeTopRightCp = points.edgeTopLeftCp.flipX()
- Round the end of the straps
let strap = points.edgeTop.dy(
points.tipRight = points.edgeTop.translate(strap / 2, strap / 2)
points.tipRightTop = new Point(points.tipRight.x, points.edgeTop.y)
points.tipRightBottom = new Point(points.tipRight.x,
- Macros will return the auto-generated IDs
const ids1 = {
tipRightTop: macro('round', {
id: 'tipRightTop',
from: points.edgeTop,
to: points.tipRight,
via: points.tipRightTop,
tipRightBottom: macro('round', {
id: 'tipRightBottom',
from: points.tipRight,
via: points.tipRightBottom,
- Create points from them with easy names
for (const side in ids1) {
for (const id of ['start', 'cp1', 'cp2', 'end']) {
points[`${side}${utils.capitalize(id)}`] = points[ids1[side].points[id]].copy()
- Rotate straps so they don't overlap
let rotateThese = [
while (points.tipRightBottomStart.x > -1) {
for (let p of rotateThese) points[p] = points[p].rotate(1, points.edgeLeft)
- Add points to anchor snaps on
points.snapLeft =, 0.5)
- Mirror points to the other side
points.edgeTopRightCp = points.edgeTopLeftCp.flipX()
points.topCp1 = points.topCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopStart = points.tipRightTopStart.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopCp1 = points.tipRightTopCp1.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopCp2 = points.tipRightTopCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopEnd = points.tipRightTopEnd.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomStart = points.tipRightBottomStart.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomCp1 = points.tipRightBottomCp1.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomCp2 = points.tipRightBottomCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomEnd = points.tipRightBottomEnd.flipX()
points.snapRight = points.snapLeft.flipX()
- Round the bottom of the bib
- Radius is fixed, but you could use an option for it)
- Macros will return the auto-generated IDs
const ids2 = {
bottomLeft: macro('round', {
id: 'bottomLeft',
from: points.topLeft,
to: points.bottomRight,
via: points.bottomLeft,
radius: points.bottomRight.x / 4,
bottomRight: macro('round', {
id: 'bottomRight',
from: points.bottomLeft,
to: points.topRight,
via: points.bottomRight,
radius: points.bottomRight.x / 4,
- Create points from them with easy names
for (const side in ids2) {
for (const id of ['start', 'cp1', 'cp2', 'end']) {
points[`${side}${utils.capitalize(id)}`] = points[ids2[side].points[id]].copy()
- Construct the path
paths.seam = new Path()
.curve(points.bottomLeftCp1, points.bottomLeftCp2, points.bottomLeftEnd)
.curve(points.bottomRightCp1, points.bottomRightCp2, points.bottomRightEnd)
.curve(points.edgeRightCp, points.edgeTopRightCp, points.tipLeftTopStart)
.curve(points.tipLeftTopCp1, points.tipLeftTopCp2, points.tipLeftTopEnd)
.curve(points.tipLeftBottomCp1, points.tipLeftBottomCp2, points.tipLeftBottomEnd)
.curve(points.topCp1, points.rightCp2, points.right)
.curve(points.rightCp1, points.bottomCp2, points.bottom)
.curve(points.bottomCp1, points.leftCp2, points.left)
.curve(points.leftCp1, points.topCp2, points.tipRightBottomEnd)
.curve(points.tipRightBottomCp2, points.tipRightBottomCp1, points.tipRightBottomStart)
.curve(points.tipRightTopCp2, points.tipRightTopCp1, points.tipRightTopStart)
.curve(points.edgeTopLeftCp, points.edgeLeftCp, points.edgeLeft)
.attr('class', 'fabric')
- Annotations
- \*/
- Add the snaps
snippets.snapStud = new Snippet('snap-stud', points.snapLeft)
snippets.snapSocket = new Snippet('snap-socket', points.snapRight).attr('opacity', 0.5)
- Add the logo
points.logo = new Point(0, 0)
snippets.logo = new Snippet('logo', points.logo)
return part
fixme: Errors logged. Please implement log view
This looks better
Setting the cutlist, adding a title and scalebox
We are also going to add a title and scalebox. For both of these we will use a macro.
The title
and scalebox
macros to be precise.
Before we add the title, we will also set the cutlist via a method that was added to the store by one of the core plugins.
As a matter of fact, all of these snippets, macros, and store methods are provided by plugins. For more details, refer to the plugin guide.
- Preview
- Code
- X-Ray
function draftBib({
}) {
* Construct the neck opening
const target = (measurements.head * options.neckRatio) / 4
let tweak = 1
let delta
do {
points.right = new Point((tweak * measurements.head) / 10, 0)
points.bottom = new Point(0, (tweak * measurements.head) / 12)
points.rightCp1 = points.right.shift(90, points.bottom.dy(points.right) / 2)
points.bottomCp2 = points.bottom.shift(0, points.bottom.dx(points.right) / 2)
paths.neck = new Path()
.curve(points.rightCp1, points.bottomCp2, points.bottom)
delta = paths.neck.length() - target
if (delta > 0) tweak = tweak * 0.99
else tweak = tweak * 1.02
} while (Math.abs(delta) > 1)
points.rightCp2 = points.rightCp1.flipY()
points.bottomCp1 = points.bottomCp2.flipX()
points.left = points.right.flipX()
points.leftCp1 = points.rightCp2.flipX()
points.leftCp2 = points.rightCp1.flipX() = points.bottom.flipY()
points.topCp1 = points.bottomCp2.flipY()
points.topCp2 = points.bottomCp1.flipY()
* Construct the outline
let width = measurements.head * options.widthRatio
let length = measurements.head * options.lengthRatio
points.topLeft = new Point(width / -2, - (width / 2 - points.right.x))
points.topRight = points.topLeft.shift(0, width)
points.bottomLeft = points.topLeft.shift(-90, length)
points.bottomRight = points.topRight.shift(-90, length)
points.edgeLeft = new Point(points.topLeft.x, points.left.y)
points.edgeRight = new Point(points.topRight.x, points.right.y)
points.edgeTop = new Point(0, points.topLeft.y)
points.edgeLeftCp = points.edgeLeft.shiftFractionTowards(points.topLeft, 0.5)
points.edgeRightCp = points.edgeLeftCp.flipX()
points.edgeTopLeftCp = points.edgeTop.shiftFractionTowards(points.topLeft, 0.5)
points.edgeTopRightCp = points.edgeTopLeftCp.flipX()
* Round the end of the straps
let strap = points.edgeTop.dy(
points.tipRight = points.edgeTop.translate(strap / 2, strap / 2)
points.tipRightTop = new Point(points.tipRight.x, points.edgeTop.y)
points.tipRightBottom = new Point(points.tipRight.x,
* Macros will return the auto-generated IDs
const ids1 = {
tipRightTop: macro('round', {
id: 'tipRightTop',
from: points.edgeTop,
to: points.tipRight,
via: points.tipRightTop,
tipRightBottom: macro('round', {
id: 'tipRightBottom',
from: points.tipRight,
via: points.tipRightBottom,
* Create points from them with easy names
for (const side in ids1) {
for (const id of ['start', 'cp1', 'cp2', 'end']) {
points[`${side}${utils.capitalize(id)}`] = points[ids1[side].points[id]].copy()
* Rotate straps so they don't overlap
let rotateThese = [
while (points.tipRightBottomStart.x > -1) {
for (let p of rotateThese) points[p] = points[p].rotate(1, points.edgeLeft)
* Add points to anchor snaps on
points.snapLeft =, 0.5)
* Mirror points to the other side
points.edgeTopRightCp = points.edgeTopLeftCp.flipX()
points.topCp1 = points.topCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopStart = points.tipRightTopStart.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopCp1 = points.tipRightTopCp1.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopCp2 = points.tipRightTopCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopEnd = points.tipRightTopEnd.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomStart = points.tipRightBottomStart.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomCp1 = points.tipRightBottomCp1.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomCp2 = points.tipRightBottomCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomEnd = points.tipRightBottomEnd.flipX()
points.snapRight = points.snapLeft.flipX()
* Round the bottom of the bib
* Radius is fixed, but you could use an option for it)
* Macros will return the auto-generated IDs
const ids2 = {
bottomLeft: macro('round', {
id: 'bottomLeft',
from: points.topLeft,
to: points.bottomRight,
via: points.bottomLeft,
radius: points.bottomRight.x / 4,
bottomRight: macro('round', {
id: 'bottomRight',
from: points.bottomLeft,
to: points.topRight,
via: points.bottomRight,
radius: points.bottomRight.x / 4,
* Create points from them with easy names
for (const side in ids2) {
for (const id of ['start', 'cp1', 'cp2', 'end']) {
points[`${side}${utils.capitalize(id)}`] = points[ids2[side].points[id]].copy()
* Construct the path
paths.seam = new Path()
.curve(points.bottomLeftCp1, points.bottomLeftCp2, points.bottomLeftEnd)
.curve(points.bottomRightCp1, points.bottomRightCp2, points.bottomRightEnd)
.curve(points.edgeRightCp, points.edgeTopRightCp, points.tipLeftTopStart)
.curve(points.tipLeftTopCp1, points.tipLeftTopCp2, points.tipLeftTopEnd)
.curve(points.tipLeftBottomCp1, points.tipLeftBottomCp2, points.tipLeftBottomEnd)
.curve(points.topCp1, points.rightCp2, points.right)
.curve(points.rightCp1, points.bottomCp2, points.bottom)
.curve(points.bottomCp1, points.leftCp2, points.left)
.curve(points.leftCp1, points.topCp2, points.tipRightBottomEnd)
.curve(points.tipRightBottomCp2, points.tipRightBottomCp1, points.tipRightBottomStart)
.curve(points.tipRightTopCp2, points.tipRightTopCp1, points.tipRightTopStart)
.curve(points.edgeTopLeftCp, points.edgeLeftCp, points.edgeLeft)
.attr('class', 'fabric')
* Annotations
* Cut list
store.cutlist.addCut({ cut: 1, from: 'fabric' })
* Add the snaps
snippets.snapStud = new Snippet('snap-stud', points.snapLeft)
snippets.snapSocket = new Snippet('snap-socket', points.snapRight).attr('opacity', 0.5)
* Add the title
points.title = points.bottom.shift(-90, 45)
macro('title', {
at: points.title,
nr: 1,
title: 'bib',
align: 'center',
scale: 0.8,
* Add the scalebox
points.scalebox = points.title.shift(-90, 65)
macro('scalebox', { at: points.scalebox })
* Add the logo
points.logo = new Point(0, 0)
snippets.logo = new Snippet('logo', points.logo)
return part
This looks way better