Dealing with laser cutters
Laser cutters is merely an example of a situation where your user wants not the complete detailed pattern with all annotations, but just the outlines. Essentially what we had at the end of part 2 of this tutorial.
Since then, we've added a bunch of embellishments, and perhaps the user does not want those.
Well, good news: there is a setting for that too. That setting is complete
and more annotations will automatically take it into account.
For example, if you put a logo or title on the pattern, it will check the
setting and if it is false
it will do nothing.
When we say we're going to complete our pattern, we mean we're going to add
things like a title and a scalebox and so on.
So while in most scenarios you don't have to worry about complete
, you
should keep it in mind when you are adding text or paths to the design
that should not be shown on a non-complete pattern.
An example will make this more clear:
Adding an indicator for bias tape
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- Code
- X-Ray
fixme: Errors logged. Please implement log view
function draftBib({
}) {
_ Construct the neck opening
const target = (measurements.head _ options.neckRatio) / 4
let tweak = 1
let delta
do {
points.right = new Point((tweak _ measurements.head) / 10, 0)
points.bottom = new Point(0, (tweak \* measurements.head) / 12)
points.rightCp1 = points.right.shift(90, points.bottom.dy(points.right) / 2)
points.bottomCp2 = points.bottom.shift(0, points.bottom.dx(points.right) / 2)
paths.neck = new Path()
.curve(points.rightCp1, points.bottomCp2, points.bottom)
delta = paths.neck.length() - target
if (delta > 0) tweak = tweak * 0.99
else tweak = tweak * 1.02
} while (Math.abs(delta) > 1)
points.rightCp2 = points.rightCp1.flipY()
points.bottomCp1 = points.bottomCp2.flipX()
points.left = points.right.flipX()
points.leftCp1 = points.rightCp2.flipX()
points.leftCp2 = points.rightCp1.flipX() = points.bottom.flipY()
points.topCp1 = points.bottomCp2.flipY()
points.topCp2 = points.bottomCp1.flipY()
_ Construct the outline
let width = measurements.head _ options.widthRatio
let length = measurements.head _ options.lengthRatio
points.topLeft = new Point(width / -2, - (width / 2 - points.right.x))
points.topRight = points.topLeft.shift(0, width)
points.bottomLeft = points.topLeft.shift(-90, length)
points.bottomRight = points.topRight.shift(-90, length)
points.edgeLeft = new Point(points.topLeft.x, points.left.y)
points.edgeRight = new Point(points.topRight.x, points.right.y)
points.edgeTop = new Point(0, points.topLeft.y)
points.edgeLeftCp = points.edgeLeft.shiftFractionTowards(points.topLeft, 0.5)
points.edgeRightCp = points.edgeLeftCp.flipX()
points.edgeTopLeftCp = points.edgeTop.shiftFractionTowards(points.topLeft, 0.5)
points.edgeTopRightCp = points.edgeTopLeftCp.flipX()
_ Round the end of the straps
let strap = points.edgeTop.dy(
points.tipRight = points.edgeTop.translate(strap / 2, strap / 2)
points.tipRightTop = new Point(points.tipRight.x, points.edgeTop.y)
points.tipRightBottom = new Point(points.tipRight.x,
_ Macros will return the auto-generated IDs
const ids1 = {
tipRightTop: macro('round', {
id: 'tipRightTop',
from: points.edgeTop,
to: points.tipRight,
via: points.tipRightTop,
tipRightBottom: macro('round', {
id: 'tipRightBottom',
from: points.tipRight,
via: points.tipRightBottom,
_ Create points from them with easy names
for (const side in ids1) {
for (const id of ['start', 'cp1', 'cp2', 'end']) {
points[`${side}${utils.capitalize(id)}`] = points[ids1[side].points[id]].copy()
_ Rotate straps so they don't overlap
let rotateThese = [
while (points.tipRightBottomStart.x > -1) {
for (let p of rotateThese) points[p] = points[p].rotate(1, points.edgeLeft)
_ Add points to anchor snaps on
points.snapLeft =, 0.5)
_ Mirror points to the other side
points.edgeTopRightCp = points.edgeTopLeftCp.flipX()
points.topCp1 = points.topCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopStart = points.tipRightTopStart.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopCp1 = points.tipRightTopCp1.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopCp2 = points.tipRightTopCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopEnd = points.tipRightTopEnd.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomStart = points.tipRightBottomStart.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomCp1 = points.tipRightBottomCp1.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomCp2 = points.tipRightBottomCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomEnd = points.tipRightBottomEnd.flipX()
points.snapRight = points.snapLeft.flipX()
_ Round the bottom of the bib
_ Radius is fixed, but you could use an option for it) \*
_ Macros will return the auto-generated IDs
const ids2 = {
bottomLeft: macro('round', {
id: 'bottomLeft',
from: points.topLeft,
to: points.bottomRight,
via: points.bottomLeft,
radius: points.bottomRight.x / 4,
bottomRight: macro('round', {
id: 'bottomRight',
from: points.bottomLeft,
to: points.topRight,
via: points.bottomRight,
radius: points.bottomRight.x / 4,
_ Create points from them with easy names
for (const side in ids2) {
for (const id of ['start', 'cp1', 'cp2', 'end']) {
points[`${side}${utils.capitalize(id)}`] = points[ids2[side].points[id]].copy()
_ Construct the path
paths.seam = new Path()
.curve(points.bottomLeftCp1, points.bottomLeftCp2, points.bottomLeftEnd)
.curve(points.bottomRightCp1, points.bottomRightCp2, points.bottomRightEnd)
.curve(points.edgeRightCp, points.edgeTopRightCp, points.tipLeftTopStart)
.curve(points.tipLeftTopCp1, points.tipLeftTopCp2, points.tipLeftTopEnd)
.curve(points.tipLeftBottomCp1, points.tipLeftBottomCp2, points.tipLeftBottomEnd)
.curve(points.topCp1, points.rightCp2, points.right)
.curve(points.rightCp1, points.bottomCp2, points.bottom)
.curve(points.bottomCp1, points.leftCp2, points.left)
.curve(points.leftCp1, points.topCp2, points.tipRightBottomEnd)
.curve(points.tipRightBottomCp2, points.tipRightBottomCp1, points.tipRightBottomStart)
.curve(points.tipRightTopCp2, points.tipRightTopCp1, points.tipRightTopStart)
.curve(points.edgeTopLeftCp, points.edgeLeftCp, points.edgeLeft)
.attr('class', 'fabric')
/\* \*
_ Annotations
_ Cut list
store.cutlist.addCut({ cut: 1, from: 'fabric' })
_ Add the snaps
snippets.snapStud = new Snippet('snap-stud', points.snapLeft)
snippets.snapSocket = new Snippet('snap-socket', points.snapRight).attr('opacity', 0.5)
_ Add the bias tape
if (complete)
paths.bias = paths.seam
.addClass('note dashed')
.addText('tutorial:finishWithBiasTape', 'center fill-note')
_ Add the title
points.title = points.bottom.shift(-90, 45)
macro('title', {
at: points.title,
nr: 1,
title: 'bib',
align: 'center',
scale: 0.8,
_ Add the scalebox
points.scalebox = points.title.shift(-90, 65)
macro('scalebox', { at: points.scalebox })
_ Add the logo
points.logo = new Point(0, 0)
snippets.logo = new Snippet('logo', points.logo)
return part
fixme: Errors logged. Please implement log view
A nice note about bias tape
And here is the exact same thing, but withe complete
setting set to false
- Preview
- Code
- X-Ray
function draftBib({
}) {
* Construct the neck opening
const target = (measurements.head * options.neckRatio) / 4
let tweak = 1
let delta
do {
points.right = new Point((tweak * measurements.head) / 10, 0)
points.bottom = new Point(0, (tweak * measurements.head) / 12)
points.rightCp1 = points.right.shift(90, points.bottom.dy(points.right) / 2)
points.bottomCp2 = points.bottom.shift(0, points.bottom.dx(points.right) / 2)
paths.neck = new Path()
.curve(points.rightCp1, points.bottomCp2, points.bottom)
delta = paths.neck.length() - target
if (delta > 0) tweak = tweak * 0.99
else tweak = tweak * 1.02
} while (Math.abs(delta) > 1)
points.rightCp2 = points.rightCp1.flipY()
points.bottomCp1 = points.bottomCp2.flipX()
points.left = points.right.flipX()
points.leftCp1 = points.rightCp2.flipX()
points.leftCp2 = points.rightCp1.flipX() = points.bottom.flipY()
points.topCp1 = points.bottomCp2.flipY()
points.topCp2 = points.bottomCp1.flipY()
* Construct the outline
let width = measurements.head * options.widthRatio
let length = measurements.head * options.lengthRatio
points.topLeft = new Point(width / -2, - (width / 2 - points.right.x))
points.topRight = points.topLeft.shift(0, width)
points.bottomLeft = points.topLeft.shift(-90, length)
points.bottomRight = points.topRight.shift(-90, length)
points.edgeLeft = new Point(points.topLeft.x, points.left.y)
points.edgeRight = new Point(points.topRight.x, points.right.y)
points.edgeTop = new Point(0, points.topLeft.y)
points.edgeLeftCp = points.edgeLeft.shiftFractionTowards(points.topLeft, 0.5)
points.edgeRightCp = points.edgeLeftCp.flipX()
points.edgeTopLeftCp = points.edgeTop.shiftFractionTowards(points.topLeft, 0.5)
points.edgeTopRightCp = points.edgeTopLeftCp.flipX()
* Round the end of the straps
let strap = points.edgeTop.dy(
points.tipRight = points.edgeTop.translate(strap / 2, strap / 2)
points.tipRightTop = new Point(points.tipRight.x, points.edgeTop.y)
points.tipRightBottom = new Point(points.tipRight.x,
* Macros will return the auto-generated IDs
const ids1 = {
tipRightTop: macro('round', {
id: 'tipRightTop',
from: points.edgeTop,
to: points.tipRight,
via: points.tipRightTop,
tipRightBottom: macro('round', {
id: 'tipRightBottom',
from: points.tipRight,
via: points.tipRightBottom,
* Create points from them with easy names
for (const side in ids1) {
for (const id of ['start', 'cp1', 'cp2', 'end']) {
points[`${side}${utils.capitalize(id)}`] = points[ids1[side].points[id]].copy()
* Rotate straps so they don't overlap
let rotateThese = [
while (points.tipRightBottomStart.x > -1) {
for (let p of rotateThese) points[p] = points[p].rotate(1, points.edgeLeft)
* Add points to anchor snaps on
points.snapLeft =, 0.5)
* Mirror points to the other side
points.edgeTopRightCp = points.edgeTopLeftCp.flipX()
points.topCp1 = points.topCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopStart = points.tipRightTopStart.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopCp1 = points.tipRightTopCp1.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopCp2 = points.tipRightTopCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopEnd = points.tipRightTopEnd.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomStart = points.tipRightBottomStart.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomCp1 = points.tipRightBottomCp1.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomCp2 = points.tipRightBottomCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomEnd = points.tipRightBottomEnd.flipX()
points.snapRight = points.snapLeft.flipX()
* Round the bottom of the bib
* Radius is fixed, but you could use an option for it)
* Macros will return the auto-generated IDs
const ids2 = {
bottomLeft: macro('round', {
id: 'bottomLeft',
from: points.topLeft,
to: points.bottomRight,
via: points.bottomLeft,
radius: points.bottomRight.x / 4,
bottomRight: macro('round', {
id: 'bottomRight',
from: points.bottomLeft,
to: points.topRight,
via: points.bottomRight,
radius: points.bottomRight.x / 4,
* Create points from them with easy names
for (const side in ids2) {
for (const id of ['start', 'cp1', 'cp2', 'end']) {
points[`${side}${utils.capitalize(id)}`] = points[ids2[side].points[id]].copy()
* Construct the path
paths.seam = new Path()
.curve(points.bottomLeftCp1, points.bottomLeftCp2, points.bottomLeftEnd)
.curve(points.bottomRightCp1, points.bottomRightCp2, points.bottomRightEnd)
.curve(points.edgeRightCp, points.edgeTopRightCp, points.tipLeftTopStart)
.curve(points.tipLeftTopCp1, points.tipLeftTopCp2, points.tipLeftTopEnd)
.curve(points.tipLeftBottomCp1, points.tipLeftBottomCp2, points.tipLeftBottomEnd)
.curve(points.topCp1, points.rightCp2, points.right)
.curve(points.rightCp1, points.bottomCp2, points.bottom)
.curve(points.bottomCp1, points.leftCp2, points.left)
.curve(points.leftCp1, points.topCp2, points.tipRightBottomEnd)
.curve(points.tipRightBottomCp2, points.tipRightBottomCp1, points.tipRightBottomStart)
.curve(points.tipRightTopCp2, points.tipRightTopCp1, points.tipRightTopStart)
.curve(points.edgeTopLeftCp, points.edgeLeftCp, points.edgeLeft)
.attr('class', 'fabric')
* Annotations
* Cut list
store.cutlist.addCut({ cut: 1, from: 'fabric' })
* Add the snaps
snippets.snapStud = new Snippet('snap-stud', points.snapLeft)
snippets.snapSocket = new Snippet('snap-socket', points.snapRight).attr('opacity', 0.5)
* Add the bias tape
if (complete)
paths.bias = paths.seam
.addClass('note dashed')
.addText('tutorial:finishWithBiasTape', 'center fill-note')
* Add the title
points.title = points.bottom.shift(-90, 45)
macro('title', {
at: points.title,
nr: 1,
title: 'bib',
align: 'center',
scale: 0.8,
* Add the scalebox
points.scalebox = points.title.shift(-90, 65)
macro('scalebox', { at: points.scalebox })
* Add the logo
points.logo = new Point(0, 0)
snippets.logo = new Snippet('logo', points.logo)
return part
Same code, but with complete disabled