How to communicate to the user
As a designer, there are times you want to bring something to the attention of the user. I am not talking about generic information that can go in the documentation, but rather a message that is tailored specifically to this pattern, much like this pattern is specifically tailored to the user.
Doing so is possible with the various store.flag
methods, and below is
our updated bib making use of this. It's important to realize that things
will look the same here. But if you load this pattern in the development
environment (or on for that matter) the user will see this:
It's a simple example, but I hope it gets the point across.
Finally, keep in mind that we are now straddling the world of the core library and frontend integration. These messages won't do anything unless you have a frontend the shows them.
In other words core does not care. We are merely storing data in the store and relying on the frontend to show this data to the user. We merely offer standard methods to do so, but you can choose to ignore this info, or show it in a different way in your own frontend implementation.
- Preview
- Code
- X-Ray
fixme: Errors logged. Please implement log view
function draftBib({
}) {
_ Construct the neck opening
const target = (measurements.head _ options.neckRatio) / 4
let tweak = 1
let delta
do {
points.right = new Point((tweak _ measurements.head) / 10, 0)
points.bottom = new Point(0, (tweak \* measurements.head) / 12)
points.rightCp1 = points.right.shift(90, points.bottom.dy(points.right) / 2)
points.bottomCp2 = points.bottom.shift(0, points.bottom.dx(points.right) / 2)
paths.neck = new Path()
.curve(points.rightCp1, points.bottomCp2, points.bottom)
delta = paths.neck.length() - target
if (delta > 0) tweak = tweak * 0.99
else tweak = tweak * 1.02
} while (Math.abs(delta) > 1)
points.rightCp2 = points.rightCp1.flipY()
points.bottomCp1 = points.bottomCp2.flipX()
points.left = points.right.flipX()
points.leftCp1 = points.rightCp2.flipX()
points.leftCp2 = points.rightCp1.flipX() = points.bottom.flipY()
points.topCp1 = points.bottomCp2.flipY()
points.topCp2 = points.bottomCp1.flipY()
_ Construct the outline
let width = measurements.head _ options.widthRatio
let length = measurements.head _ options.lengthRatio
points.topLeft = new Point(width / -2, - (width / 2 - points.right.x))
points.topRight = points.topLeft.shift(0, width)
points.bottomLeft = points.topLeft.shift(-90, length)
points.bottomRight = points.topRight.shift(-90, length)
points.edgeLeft = new Point(points.topLeft.x, points.left.y)
points.edgeRight = new Point(points.topRight.x, points.right.y)
points.edgeTop = new Point(0, points.topLeft.y)
points.edgeLeftCp = points.edgeLeft.shiftFractionTowards(points.topLeft, 0.5)
points.edgeRightCp = points.edgeLeftCp.flipX()
points.edgeTopLeftCp = points.edgeTop.shiftFractionTowards(points.topLeft, 0.5)
points.edgeTopRightCp = points.edgeTopLeftCp.flipX()
_ Round the end of the straps
let strap = points.edgeTop.dy(
points.tipRight = points.edgeTop.translate(strap / 2, strap / 2)
points.tipRightTop = new Point(points.tipRight.x, points.edgeTop.y)
points.tipRightBottom = new Point(points.tipRight.x,
_ Macros will return the auto-generated IDs
const ids1 = {
tipRightTop: macro('round', {
id: 'tipRightTop',
from: points.edgeTop,
to: points.tipRight,
via: points.tipRightTop,
tipRightBottom: macro('round', {
id: 'tipRightBottom',
from: points.tipRight,
via: points.tipRightBottom,
_ Create points from them with easy names
for (const side in ids1) {
for (const id of ['start', 'cp1', 'cp2', 'end']) {
points[`${side}${utils.capitalize(id)}`] = points[ids1[side].points[id]].copy()
_ Rotate straps so they don't overlap
let rotateThese = [
while (points.tipRightBottomStart.x > -1) {
for (let p of rotateThese) points[p] = points[p].rotate(1, points.edgeLeft)
_ Add points to anchor snaps on
points.snapLeft =, 0.5)
_ Mirror points to the other side
points.edgeTopRightCp = points.edgeTopLeftCp.flipX()
points.topCp1 = points.topCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopStart = points.tipRightTopStart.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopCp1 = points.tipRightTopCp1.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopCp2 = points.tipRightTopCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftTopEnd = points.tipRightTopEnd.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomStart = points.tipRightBottomStart.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomCp1 = points.tipRightBottomCp1.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomCp2 = points.tipRightBottomCp2.flipX()
points.tipLeftBottomEnd = points.tipRightBottomEnd.flipX()
points.snapRight = points.snapLeft.flipX()
_ Round the bottom of the bib
_ Radius is fixed, but you could use an option for it) \*
_ Macros will return the auto-generated IDs
const ids2 = {
bottomLeft: macro('round', {
id: 'bottomLeft',
from: points.topLeft,
to: points.bottomRight,
via: points.bottomLeft,
radius: points.bottomRight.x / 4,
bottomRight: macro('round', {
id: 'bottomRight',
from: points.bottomLeft,
to: points.topRight,
via: points.bottomRight,
radius: points.bottomRight.x / 4,
_ Create points from them with easy names
for (const side in ids2) {
for (const id of ['start', 'cp1', 'cp2', 'end']) {
points[`${side}${utils.capitalize(id)}`] = points[ids2[side].points[id]].copy()
_ Construct the path
paths.seam = new Path()
.curve(points.bottomLeftCp1, points.bottomLeftCp2, points.bottomLeftEnd)
.curve(points.bottomRightCp1, points.bottomRightCp2, points.bottomRightEnd)
.curve(points.edgeRightCp, points.edgeTopRightCp, points.tipLeftTopStart)
.curve(points.tipLeftTopCp1, points.tipLeftTopCp2, points.tipLeftTopEnd)
.curve(points.tipLeftBottomCp1, points.tipLeftBottomCp2, points.tipLeftBottomEnd)
.curve(points.topCp1, points.rightCp2, points.right)
.curve(points.rightCp1, points.bottomCp2, points.bottom)
.curve(points.bottomCp1, points.leftCp2, points.left)
.curve(points.leftCp1, points.topCp2, points.tipRightBottomEnd)
.curve(points.tipRightBottomCp2, points.tipRightBottomCp1, points.tipRightBottomStart)
.curve(points.tipRightTopCp2, points.tipRightTopCp1, points.tipRightTopStart)
.curve(points.edgeTopLeftCp, points.edgeLeftCp, points.edgeLeft)
.attr('class', 'fabric')
/\* \*
_ Annotations
_ Let the user know about the bias tape and fabric requirements
msg: 'tutorial:biasTapeLength',
replace: {
l: units(paths.seam.length()),
_ Cut list
store.cutlist.addCut({ cut: 1, from: 'fabric' })
_ Add the snaps
snippets.snapStud = new Snippet('snap-stud', points.snapLeft)
snippets.snapSocket = new Snippet('snap-socket', points.snapRight).attr('opacity', 0.5)
_ Add the bias tape
if (complete)
paths.bias = paths.seam
.addClass('note dashed')
.addText('finishWithBiasTape', 'center fill-note')
_ Add the title
points.title = points.bottom.shift(-90, 45)
macro('title', {
at: points.title,
nr: 1,
title: 'bib',
align: 'center',
scale: 0.8,
_ Add the scalebox
points.scalebox = points.title.shift(-90, 65)
macro('scalebox', { at: points.scalebox })
_ Add the logo
points.logo = new Point(0, 0)
snippets.logo = new Snippet('logo', points.logo)
_ Add dimensions
macro('hd', {
id: 'wFull',
from: points.bottomLeftStart,
to: points.bottomRightEnd,
y: points.bottomLeft.y + 15,
macro('vd', {
id: 'hBottomToOpeningBottom',
from: points.bottomRightStart,
to: points.bottom,
x: points.bottomRight.x + 15,
macro('vd', {
id: 'hBottomToOpeningCenter',
from: points.bottomRightStart,
to: points.right,
x: points.bottomRight.x + 30,
macro('vd', {
id: 'hTotal',
from: points.bottomRightStart,
to: points.tipLeftTopStart,
x: points.bottomRight.x + 45,
macro('hd', {
id: 'wOpening',
from: points.left,
to: points.right,
y: points.left.y + 25,
macro('ld', {
id: 'wStrap',
from: points.tipLeftBottomEnd,
to: points.tipLeftTopStart,
d: -15,
return part
fixme: Errors logged. Please implement log view
We flagged something for the user