Drawing circles

Real circles are rarely used in pattern design, and they are not part of the SVG path specification, but rather a different SVG element.

Still, if you want a circle, you can draw one by calling Point.addCircle():

function draftPart = ({ 
}) {

  points.anchor = new Point(0,0)  
.addCircle(5, 'lining dotted') .addCircle(10, 'note dashed ') .addCircle(15, 'facing lashed') .addCircle(20, 'interfacing')
// Prevent clipping paths.demo = new Path() .move(new Point(-20,-20)) .move(new Point(20,20)) return part }

Circles are not taken into account when calculating the part’s boundary.

COMMENT by joost
How multiple circles are implemented

When you add the same attribute multiple times, they are typically joined together when rendering. For example multiple calls to add a class attribute will end up being rendered as class="class1 class2 class3 which makes a lot of sense.

But when we’re placing multiple circles on the same point, that raises a bit of a problem. For example in this code:

point.a = new Point(0,0)
  .addCircle(10, 'lining')
  .addCircle(20, 'fabric')

Based on the rules of attributes, this would render a single circle with r="10 20" class="lining fabric". Which does not make a lot of sense and is invalid SVG as r only takes one value.

So the render engine will do some extra work here to check that there are multiple circles added, and will render a circle element for each, with the r and class values of their respective calls.

While this is probably what you’d intuitively expect, it is somewhat inconsistent with how other attributes are rendered, so I felt it was best to point it out explicitly.
