Code and code blocks

Especially for our developer documentation, there’s a lot of times we include source code in the documentation. You can make these look pretty by using a code block.

The basic use is to wrap your code in three backtick characters on a line:

let me = 'you'

Gives you:

let me = 'you'

This is a generic code block. But we also support syntax highlighting. To do so, add the language specifier after the opening backticks:

let me = 'you'

To get:

let me = 'you'

The following language codes are supported:

  • js for JavaScript code
  • markdown for Markdown
  • html for HTML
  • svg for SVG
  • bash for Bash or shell scripts
  • mdx for MDX
  • jsx for JSX
  • json for JSON

Note that mermaid code blocks will be rendered as Mermaid diagrams. Refer to the docs on custom tags for an example.