If you need them, you can create tables too, using a structure as shown below:

| Name | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| Compound | A substance composed of two or more elements. Chemically combined in definite proportions by weight |
| Mixture | Two or more substances that are not chemically united, such as air |
| Solution | A uniform mixture of varying proportions of a solvent and a solute |
CompoundA substance composed of two or more elements. Chemically combined in definite proportions by weight
MixtureTwo or more substances that are not chemically united, such as air
SolutionA uniform mixture of varying proportions of a solvent and a solute

You can change the alignment of the columns by using a colon (:) on the line below the column title:

| Align-right | Align-center |
| -----------:|:------------:|
| Compound | A substance composed of two or more elements. Chemically combined in definite proportions by weight |
| Mixture | Two or more substances that are not chemically united, such as air |
| Solution | A uniform mixture of varying proportions of a solvent and a solute |
CompoundA substance composed of two or more elements. Chemically combined in definite proportions by weight
MixtureTwo or more substances that are not chemically united, such as air
SolutionA uniform mixture of varying proportions of a solvent and a solute