Avoiding frequent mistakes

Some things to keep in mind when working in Markdown are:

Use remark-jargon for glossary terms

There is no need to add a glossary section to documentation. We use a plugin called rehype-jargon to explain terms. Information can be found at the link.

Let lists be lists

Please make sure to use Markdown proper, doing things such as hardcoding numbers for lists and using · for bulleted lists won’t be rendered properly and will be styled differently. Using Markdown in the same way for everything ensures the site and documentation look clean and professional. You can use a Markdown editor like StackEdit to preview your text.


GitHub itself also allows working in Markdown and will give you a handy preview!

When adding links please do not create them using a structure like: “Link here”. Instead use relevant terms for the link text. An example of meaningful link text is this link to a famous 80s pop song video.

Linking within the same website

When you are linking within freesewing.dev or freesewing.org you can use a relative link from the site root.


instead of


Linking images

Images can be put in the same folder you are working on with a link to the filename. For example:

This is [a picture of a banana](banana.jpg)

Avoid ambiguity when listing a number of steps

If you’re writing documentation that involves steps, please do not mix levels of steps. Steps written out in documentation are there to facilitate brainless execution. Don’t be afraid to repeat yourself.

If you use substeps we want those substeps to take away ambiguity rather than introduce it into your instructions. In the next example the substep introduces something that ought to be done before the previous steps. This creates confusion about when that step ought to be executed.

An example of what not to do:

1. cut collar
2. cut collar stand
3.  sew collar stand to collar
    1. sewing staystitch collar and collar stand
4. sew collar stand to neckline

Be mindful of white space and whitespace characters

Markdown syntax for white space in text is a little unintuitive.

  • If you want a line break after a line but no white space between it and the next line, you need to add two space characters at the end of the first line.

  • If you want a paragraph break with white space between the two lines, you need to add at least one blank line after the first line.

  • If you don’t have two space characters at the end of the first line or any blank lines between it and the second line, then no white space or line break will be generated. Instead, the two lines will be part of the same continuous paragraph in the resulting page even though they are on two separate lines in your document.

It may be helpful to experiment and keep checking the preview or resulting page to see how things look. Not all the empty lines and white space in your document will render in the preview or result.

Using custom tag components

When you’re using custom tag components you want to leave an empty line before and after the tags.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipisci elit, 

sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

If you’re using any Markdown syntax within a custom component you want to also leave an empty line at the start and end of your component.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,


*consectetur adipisci elit,*


sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Don’t be shy to ask a friend

Learning a new language can be intimidating, whether its JavaScript, Norse, or Markdown, but everyone in the Freesewing community is glad you’re here and helping us make the site even more awesome.

If you get lost or have a question about how to do something, feel free to come ask on the Discord. We’ve all had to learn Markdown at some point and would be delighted to pass knowledge on.