
The FreeSewing backend API requires authentication for all but a handful of endpoints.

The API supports two different types of authentication:

JSON Web TokensjwtThis is typically used to authenticate humans in a browser session.
API KeyskeyThis is typically used to interact with the API in an automated way. Like in a script, a CI/CD context, a serverless runner, and so on.

While the API supports both, they are not supported on the same endpoint. Instead, add the authentication type you want to use as the final part of endpoint:

  • /some/endpoint/jwt : Authenticate with a JSON Web Token
  • /some/endpoint/key : Authenticate with an API key and secret

jwt authentication

The use of JSON Web Tokens (jwt) is typically used in a browser context where we want to establish a session.

To get a token, you must first authenticate at the /signin endpoint. You will receive a JSON Web Token (jwt) as part of the response.

In subsequent API calls, you must then include this token in the Authorization header prefixed by Bearer . Like his:

const account = await axios.get(
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`

key authentication

The combination of API key & secret serves as a username & password for HTTP basic authentication.


In basic authentication, the password is sent unencrypted. To guard against this, this API should only be served over a connection that is encrypted with TLS. (a URL starting with https://).

Sending a username and password with a request like this is supported pretty much everywhere. In addition, there is no need to establish a session first, so this make the entire transaction stateless.

Below is an example using curl:

Shell prompt
curl -u api-key-here:api-secret-here \